Hi peeps ;)
Hmm, skrg saya tak rajin nak tulis dalam english..jadi saya tulis blog arini dgn bahase ibundaku saya okay ;)
Saya nak ceritakan pengalaman saya bercuti winter ni aje....saya rase cuti sy winter tahun ni sngt2 la best..especially bila kt melbourne sbb best jalan2 dgn budak2 adelaide....diorg kelakar, baik and best berbual dgn diorg..walaupon pada hakikatnye sy tak bnyk pon berbual dgn diorg XD
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Gambar ramai2 kt Lake mountain :)) |
Tambahan lg, kawan sekolah sy Taiping dr sydney pon ade datang jgk...sukenye berbual2 dgn kawan kelas dulu...walaupon ramai org pkir diorg ni budak gangster..tp sbnrnye diorg okay je dgn sy...mungkin sbb diorg hormat kot dgn saya..xdela suke kenekan sy ke ape kan...terkenang memory mase dkt taiping dulu..smuanye best!
Tapi kan, diorg kate sy makin kurus! haha..ye kot..td saya tgok album lame sy kt taiping pon, sy rase pon dulu sy lg berisi...tp xkesahla..makan da bnyk tp tak naik nk buat mcm mane XD
10 July- Sy bertolak blik ke malaysia....naik jetstar, kne la stop kt Singapura...da la sorang2 kan...bosan tahap gaban tu mmg adela...da tunggu smpai 5 jam kt airport....brula flight ke KL. Ni nak balik ke Melbourne pon kne transit Singapura jgk...letih2~
Kt Malaysia (Temerloh)- Makan durian la perkara utama kan...haha...bnyk durian jadik kt rumah saya tahun ni..rezeki sy la dpt mkn durian setelah 2 tahun tak sentuh durian XD yela cuti time ujung tahun, mase tu mane ade musim durian da kan...
Duduk rumah dpt tgok anak buah baru...best! die tak suke nangis smua..so lg la best! XD xsabar nk tunggu die dlm umur 2 tahun nnt...bley maen2 dgn die nnt! sy ske maen dgn bdk kecik perempuan sbb diorg comeyl! macam Raudah anak ustaz Zahar kt melbourne ni hehehe XD
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Makan durian ramai2 satu fmly :DD |
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Ni shafiq haikal dgn Putri Shafiqah Humairah (yg baby baru lahir tu) :)) |
Kt Malaysia (KL)- Pegi MidValley dgn adik...ingtkan nak tgok harry potter tapi tak jadik, alamatnye kene download sajelaa~ Belikan adik jam polo..haha..sempatla spent mase sikit ngn adik dan nasihatkan die sikit...belikan die buku belajar smua..nk biar die semangat belajar skit...lame sy xspent mase dengan adik...sy asyik skolah asrama, pastu pegi oversea pulak...mmg die jela selalunye sorg2 selame ni...cian die...
Eyh lupe sy tgok chelsea lawan malaysia dgn adik dan kawan sorang kt Bukit Jalil..first time tgok live bola...stadium mmg penuh gila la...dan panas super! taubat da tak nak pegi Asia Tour anjuran kelab2 besar da pasni..lg baik tgok tv je la nnt...
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Ni adik..semangat btul die beli baju Malaysia hehe |
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Tp aku pon beli jgk...hahaha XD |
Nk komen pasal KTM skit! Tak berubah2 lagi dr aku 1st time dtg KL smpai pegi oversea sampai skrg...tak ubah2 lagi kepadatan orang kt dalam KTM!! Weyh Malaysia susah sngt ke nak tambah jumlah train dan kerapkan train lalu?? adoiyai..malasla tulis da...kt facebook pon da komen pasal bende ni...
p/s: nntla sy edit dgn msukkan gmbr2 ye..internet sy slowla skrg..pakai broadband je..lmbt nk upload.
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Woho one of the SquareEnix game on PC. Although the graphic is quite bad, but so far i like this game. I just started this game yesterday ;D
I still haven't finish this game, so i couldn't write any synopsis here. But this game is actually about the treasure called "Remnants", mysterious and coveted ancient artifacts of varying shapes and sizes which posses magical powers to the user.
Fan-made Trailer
Well, hellooo ^^
Alhamdulillah..syukur kehadrat Allah s.w.t dgn selamat lahirnye seorang lg ahli keluarga baru family Syed Mohamed. :)
Tepat jam 4.33pm petang waktu Malaysia, ak menerima satu MMS dikala diriku sedang nyenyak tido. Keluarnye adelah satu gambar bayi yang baru beberape jam dilahirkan. Ingt jugak kakakku menghantar MMS kt adiknye sorang yg di perantauan ni :)
Bayi dilahirkan ialah bayi perempuan. Alhamdulillah. Mahu sngt didengar berita supaya kakak selamat melahirkan anaknya yg seorang lagi ni. Akhirnye lega hatiku. Cume masih menunggu reply msg kakak, tnye mcm mane keadaan Along (kakak) skrg tp masih belum dijawab.
gambar ni diprintscreen je dgn iphone. Sbb dpt gmbr pon tak masuk directly ke phone, tp ke satu website lain.
Final exam nak dekat..lagi seminggu lebih je lagi...exam pulak rapat2..8,9,10 dan 22hb jun..satu je pulak jauh superrr...adoi....
Akhir kata..doakan saya dapat result yg baik semester ni..and gudluck jugak utk korang kalau korg pon dalam week exam jgak skrg..:D
Jaaa ne!
I don't know why so many people dun like her. I think its because her voice quite bad (I guess). Or because she's too young to be a singer (14 years old now). She's the first rank of the 'most biggest disgrace to music' and the second place goes to Justin Bieber! (survey taken from asking question thingy on fb).
And today, I just knew that one of my classmate name is Rebecca Green!
Hey, there are sooo many quotes existed, and there are various kind of quotes were published in websites, twitter or whatever. Here i want to talk to you guyz about Love Quotes. I know most of you already read various kind of love quotes on the internet. Sometimes what quotes say were related to our real life, and sometimes it is not. BUT, does your decision making is affected by reading those quotes? especially if you are in breakup state. I posted a poll to know if those quotes affecting ur decision or not. Hope you! who are reading my blog right now can respond to it. BEFORE THAT, read these quotes i took from the website and think while you answering it.
When someone falls in love, it's almost always with the wrong person and when they fall for the right one it's sometimes at the wrong time.
You cannot be good enough for everybody, but you will always be the best for the one who deserves you
You might get attracted to another person but you can’t simply fall in love if someone else has already taken your heart.
Being dumped, taken for granted and hurt by the one they love is the reason why many people choose to FLIRT than to be in a relationship.
People change , even the one's who said they wouldn't
Some people aren’t worth your time or happiness. Love those who love u, leave those who curse u, ignore those who hate u.
if you Love 2 people at d same time,choose d second one! Coz if u really Loved d 1st one u wouLdn't fallen for the second.
well hurm i just came back from adelaide last night. It's quite a wonderful trip. But 12 hours journey just sitting in the car was quite....tired =.=' Here, i gonna put some pictures from my trip.
at apostle, great ocean road |
flyyyyy! |
My adelaide's good friends :D |
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Port Adelaide |
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bergambar bersama2 dgn Bab* XD |
Omg this is a really good news for those who played Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross in PS1/PSX (both r the same thing) before. Well, yea Chrono Cross is a continuation of chrono trigger. First, this game was published in super nintendo in 1995, (well you know how bad is the graphic for 1995 game), and later this game was enhanced and was published for PSX in 2001 and few years later in Nintendo DS (i dun have Nintendo, so i was not able to play this game). I guarantee you all that this game gonna be the top game for PS3 once it published.
*quote from IGN*
With so many PSX-era Square titles getting dumped onto the PlayStation Network recently, many gamers were left wondering when an SNES-era favorite might join the party.
We're of course talking about Chrono Trigger. Originally released on the Super Nintendo in 1995, Chrono Trigger saw re-release on the PlayStation in 2001, packaged Stateside with Final Fantasy IV in the compilation known as Final Fantasy Chronicles. Other SNES-turned-PlayStation Square RPGs have recently been announced, such as Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI, adding fuel to the fire that Chrono Trigger had to be right around the corner.
Well, now we have confirmation. The ESRB has rated Chrono Trigger for release on PlayStation 3 and PSP, signifying thatChrono Trigger will arrive sometime soon on the PlayStation Store as a PSone Classic.
Unfortunately, there's no word yet on a release date for Chrono Trigger on the PSN.
Here, I provided you opening video for the first game that was published for PSX in 1995
p/s: i think you might recognise the cartoon. xD yes! this game actually was created from the help of Dragonball and Dragonquest author, Akira Toriyama. Plus with the help of the popular Final fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu
helooo.. hmm sebenarnye ni saje je nk tulis blog ni..sbb ape? sbb saya nk share satu bende..hehe.. ada satu lagu ni..bile dgr jer, mcm fikiran jadik tenang je..and happy je..haha.. pelik kan..ni lagu jepun..lagu dr game 'chrono cross'..bile game ni da abes maen, ade satu lagu ending nila..tjuk die "radical dreamer". tp sbnrnye sy ske dgr smua lagu die..haha tp lagu laen xde suara..just music..ala biasala kan, name da game ps1 dulu2..lagi satu, maybe sbb jalan cerita game ini sngt menarik..dan kadang2 menyedihkan..sometimes bila ak dgr balik..rase sngt..umm best! haha..( xtw nk describe cmne :P) anyway, sape2 yg rase nk tahu tentang jalan cerita die..sila la bace link wkipedia ni ek
First post for 2011! yosh..
harini balik jalan kaki dr Uni ke rumah..hajat sebab nk simpan duit kan..mak, ayah and ade anak sedara sepupu maybe akan datang. Rase nk bawak adik skali tp xtawlah ckup duit ke tak..nak support semua tuh! haih..tujelah nk share utk harini. Oh yeah arini sangat panas..haha.
Jalan balik ke rumah |