Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pheromone...pheromone...pening kepala aku bile bercakap pasal pheromone. Kenape ek?? sbb aku diassignkn untuk membuat library assignment bertajuk pheromone..aish..letih aku bile nak mencarik pasal pheromone. Library assignment ade 3 part kene buat..

Fasa pertama.

Part 1st ni kene tukar reference list jadik dalam harvard system. X sia2 dulu Madam Laura ajar pasal citation dalam ESLS kn..haha..okeh, part 1 senang je..sebab ade 1 je citation yang kene ubah dari salah ke betol.

Fasa kedua.
Part 2 nie payah cikit..sebab kene carik buku yang ade definition pasal pheromone. Tajuk ak nie senang lagi la..sbb senang nk carik..ade yang kene tajuk carotid sinus la ape la..lagi la payah nk mencarik..aisymen..aku pn pergi la Medlibrary untuk mncarik buku tadi..akhirnyer..jmpe jugak..maka siaplah kerja aku la maksud pheromone yang aku jumpe..

The term pheromone was first proposed and defined by Karlson and Lüscher (1959) to refer to a group of biologically active substances resembling hormones on some respects, yet which could not be included among them as they evidently did not come from endocrine glands. Karlson and Lüscher’s definition is still appropriate : ‘Pheromone are substances which are secreted to the outside by an individual and received by a second individual of the same species in which they release a specific reaction, for example, a definite behavior or developmental processes’. The derivation of the word from the Greek pherein (to transfer) and hormone (to excite) was initially criticized etymologically, but the term has become so universally adopted as to be firmly established.

Fasa ketiga
Part 3 nie kitorg kene carik Primary Literature..ape tu primary literature?? aku mule2 pun selepas rakanku menerangkn kepada aku..maka aku pun faham..mari aku ceritakan..Primary literature ni sebenarnye adelah..article yang original dicipta oleh pengarang itu sendiri..dengan kata laen..article tu adalah hasil kerja dy sendiri dan bukannya diciplak dari sumber laen..(same la tu kn..haha). Diteruskan lagi, ade satu dan byak strategi nak mencarik primary literature ni..salah satunyer..article tu mesti ade label 'Method', 'Result'. Dengan kata laen, pengarang ade menerangkan kembali experiment yang telah dibuat olehnya. Lab report la kirenye tu kan..haha..ade Paham?? Ni aku bagi contoh primary literature yang aku jumpe..aku letakkan abstract je la ek..


In many species chemosensory stimuli function as important signals that influence reproductive status. Neurons synthesizing the peptide gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) are critical mediators of reproductive function via their regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis, and they are thought to be responsive to chemosensory information. In the present study, we sought to elucidate the effects of female chemosensory stimuli on the HPG axis in sexually naive adult male Syrian hamsters. In Experiment 1, serial blood samples were collected from catheterized male hamsters following exposure to female pheromones in order to characterize the luteinizing hormone (LH) response to this chemosensory stimulus. In Experiment 2, brains and terminal blood samples were collected from animals 0, 60, and 120 min following pheromone exposure. GnRH mRNA was measured in brain tissue sections using in situ hybridization, and plasma concentrations of LH and testosterone were measured using radioimmunoassay. Data from Experiment 1 indicated that female pheromones elicited a rapid rise in plasma LH that peaked at 15 min and returned to baseline 45 min after exposure. In Experiment 2, testosterone was elevated in terminal blood samples obtained 60 min, but not 120 min, after exposure to pheromones. LH levels were unaffected at both of these time points. The chemosensory-induced increases in LH and testosterone release were not accompanied by subsequent changes in GnRH mRNA over the time course studied. These data suggest that while activation of the male HPG axis by female pheromones involves release of GnRH, it does not involve increases in GnRH mRNA 1–2 h after pheromonal stimulation as a mechanism for replenishment of released peptide

Maka dengan selesainya ketiga2 Fasa ini..Kerja Library assignment aku sudah selesai!!!!!! HahHAhAha...


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